The school year is quickly approaching! In our area, most schools start back up in only 4 weeks!!
You should have rack cards out in every business in town. When parents are picking up pizza for dinner - or out for ice cream, or getting their haircut, or doing literally anything in town - they should see your rack card on the counter!!
Every family in town should get an EDDM in their mailbox from your school!
You and your staff should be stocked with VIP Cards so you can strike up conversations with people when you're out and about and you can give them a pass for a free class (or whatever special you want!)!
You should have buddy passes passed out to each of your students so that they can invite their friends from school (or camp, baseball, the neighborhood, etc) to join them for a class!
You need to have window clings in your school's window to attract drive-by and walk-by traffic!
Every home in every neighborhood near your school should get a doorhanger on their front door!
You should also be stocked with supplies for booths at back to school and other community events!!
Good things come to those who hustle.
We have several products that coordinate with each other so you can focus your marketing! We can also create matching products as needed - for example, see a rack card you like but need a popup banner to match it? No problem