Our Black Belt Excellence life skill for May is Courage.
Schools around the world have been using our Black Belt Excellence system to teach lifeskills to their students for over 20 years. Each month we feature a different lifeskill in our beautifully designed 4 page fold out newsletter. The information inside will teach the students about the monthly lesson and there is a worksheet for them to complete.
For May we are working on teaching students about courage. Through the newsletters and the mat chats, they will learn how to push through their fears and be courageous and brave.
Plan to reward your students for completing their worksheet - we suggest our motivational necklace rewards. They are made in the USA by the same company that makes all the ball chains for the US Military.. how cool is that!
After you order (or if you are already using our newsletters) make sure to join our Facebook group and add your staff so you can view the mat chat videos! Each month we post 3 videos to help you deliver the lessons to your students. Click HERE to request to join!
I am sure you tell every parent that comes into your school that their child will learn more than punching and kicking. The Black Belt Excellence system is your tool to really deliver on that promise!