Parent's Night Out Pack: Mummy Mayhem
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This Parent's Night Out Pack has everything you need to throw an epic Mummy Mayhem Halloween event that your students and their friends will love!!
This PNO Pack comes with everything completely done for you! All you need to do is follow our checklist!! We take you through every step of the way - marketing leading up to the event, step-by-step instructions for the night of the event, and what to do after it's over!
You get:
- Detailed class instructions for the perfect Parents Night Out event
- Four Week Checklist Planner, Shopping List, Follow Up Instructions
- Parents' Sign In Sheet
- Student Sign Up Sheet
- 4 E-mail Templates
- 4 Social Media Templates For Facebook, IG, etc
- 3 Instagram Images
- 3 Instagram Story Images
- 3 Facebook Images
- 8.5x11 Event Flyer
- 2 Animated Gifs
- Video Commerical Trailer
- 11x17 Event Poster