What's your typical morning routine? How do you get your day started off right?
I work for the power company as a lineman so I usually will wake up at 6am and head to the gym to get some strength training in and then head to my day job.
What did you want to be when you grew up? How did you get your work life started?
I never knew exactly what I wanted to do but I always wanted to own a business. I like working with my hands and being outside so electrical work sounded good.
Why the martial arts? Did you train when you were younger?
I never trained when I was younger. I got started around the age of 22. I had a good friend who was a pro MMA fighter and I wanted to learn how to defend my self so I started training with him.
How did your school come about? Where is it located and what do you teach?
I had a home gym and started training there for extra training along with my normal schedule of teaching and training. That grew and grew and I had 15 guys coming to train at my house so I knew I needed to do something official. There was no MMA and BJJ gyms in my town of Milton, FL so I started one officially. I also help promote and run Southeastern Submission Classic and Southeastern Elite Combat.
How do you define success? Was there a moment when you felt like you really made it?
Success to me is helping someone out. It may be to lose weight or learn self-defense but to have someone thank me for helping them is success.
It’s a difficult time to be a business owner this year. What have you been doing to keep your school going?
I have been staying in touch with my members. I've been giving back to them for helping us stay a float.
Thanks for being one of our awesome Black Belt Excellence schools! What is it about the program that you like? Are you using it in any interesting ways?
I personally love the program. I want to help our kids in life and on the mats. The BBE program helps give us a topic and keeps the kids engaged even at home.
What advice would you give to your fellow school owners? What has been working well for you these days?
Be a positive light for your students. Go the extra mile and be flexible.
What is currently inspiring you and in what way? (book, movie, song, charity, anything really…)
My kids inspire and motivate me. To see them smile makes me want to be the best I can.
How do you end a typical day? What do to unwind?
I will play games with my daughters and get ready for the next day.