Basically everything has changed with Covid-19, this is especially true for kids, but parents around the country are coming up with plans for their children to have a pretty normal Halloween and you can absolutely still advertise with our Halloween cards like you do every year!
The big question lately is, "Will kids still be trick or treating this year?" And the answer is YES!!! Parents have come up with a variety of creative ways to get their kids dressed up and collecting candy!
Here is the most popular Trick or Treating plan that's getting a lot of attention in mom groups and getting posted around on Nextdoor to get entire neighborhoods on board: People will set up a table at the end of their driveway and set out goodie bags for the kids. Then they sit outside a safe distance away. The kids can come shout trick or treat and collect a goodie bag. This ensures that everyone is socially distance and also make sure that kids aren't going to touch every single piece of candy in a bowl.
The same plan can be applied to have socially distant trunk or treats as well! Halloween is BIG for kids and after everything that's been going on for the past 6 months, parents are determined to make sure that they are able to celebrate as normal as possible.
So how does this help you with marketing?
Our Halloween cards are given out to trick or treaters on Halloween by all the families that go to your school. You simply need to order enough so that you can pass out a nice big stack of 25-100 to each of your students (both adults and kids; give bigger stacks to families who live in neighborhoods with lots of kids) and then they pass them out along with their candy when trick or treaters. So easy and this year it's even easier as they just need to put them in the goodie bags for kids to walk by and grab!! You and your instructors should all be doing this also!!
Our Halloween cards have worked year after year for hundreds of schools and they are a MUST DO marketing item.