The new year just began and it may seem like you have plenty of time to prepare for Valentines Day. But it is only 5 weeks away. Which means you have about 4 weeks to get Valentines Cards in the hands of each of your students before classroom parties start happening! Schools around the country agree that Valentines can easily be the single most effective marketing opportunity of the year!
1. Place your order! Choose your favorite card from our website and order them up. You will want to make sure you have about 30 for each student. We’ll send you a proof to approve and then get the cards on their way. (Pro tip: Order extra and have stacks of 30 to give to your student’s siblings and friends too!)
2. Bundle your cards in stacks of 30. This can be as simple as separating them in to piles and putting a rubber band around them. Some schools choose to put in a little extra effort since this usually produces nice results. You can choose to tape a lollipop to each one.. or attach each card to a chocolate bar or a box of sweethearts. You can even take it a step further and make goodie bags. Put in your Valentine card along with a piece of candy, a pencil and an eraser!
3. Pass out your cards to your students! Simply give each student a stack of cards when they come to class. Let them know that these are for them to use for their friends at school during their Valentine exchange. Most schools do these in every classroom! If some schools in your area don’t, that’s okay! They can still pass them out to their friends on their own.
I know that Valentines Day is February 14th but do not wait to pass these out thinking that kids will need them on that day! Try and have these in your student’s hands early! This is a favorite marketing opportunity for hundreds of schools each year!