1. Put others first. If you want to be first put yourself last. Martial Artist use this biblical principal by saying “Its not about you, it’s all about them”
2. Be consistent and stand for something. You stood for this then, you stand for this now and you will stand for those principles tomorrow.
3. Be innovative. This doesn't clash with being consistent. Innovation is important and if it’s important to your vision be sure to continue to innovate. I think the saying is “What have you done for me lately?”
4. Make it simple. Great leaders make it easy to follow. Great martial arts teachers produce many good black belts because they made a difficult journey possible.
5. People will forget lessons you taught them but they won’t forget how you made them feel. Be the leader that understands those they lead and what motivates your followers.
6. Inspire, motivate, encourage, push, pull and guide. But most of all produce results for those who follow.
7. Walk the talk - Leadership takes and incredible amount of self discipline. Read more. Learn more. Save more. Help more. Work more. Stay out less. Gossip less. Bully less.
8. Make it fun to follow you.
-Greg Silva