If you're like most schools you're probably having a Halloween party soon. Before you even get to the list below, make sure you have ordered your Halloween party invites and given some to each of your students so they can invite their friends!
Here are 8 tips to make your party epic!
- Games!! Kids love games.. but they also don't want to sit still and be quiet at a party. Choose games that are exciting - inflatable pumpkin dodgeball, freeze dance, mummy wrapping, pumpkin pumpkin spider (like duck duck goose). We have a Halloween PNO pack that includes step by step instructions for all games for a 3 hour party!!
- Have a screaming contest. Seriously, kids think this is SO FUN. Line them up and give them each a turn to scream and give the loudest screamer a prize.
- Order pizza! Ask any kid and they will tell you it's not a party without pizza!
- Give the kids some free time. After you play games and eat food, crank up the music and let them just run around the dojo.
- Wear a costume!! All the kids will be in costume and they will be extremely excited if their instructors are dressed up too!!
- Decorate! Spider webs, pumpkins, ghosts.. go crazy and make your school look spooktacular!
- Candy. When kids think Halloween they think candy! You can do this different ways- have a trick or treat parade around the school, send everyone home with a goody bag, or have treats for them to eat after pizza.
- Make sure kids invite their friends! Maybe you already have ordered our Halloween invitations and know your party is going to be packed. If not, make some announcements during classes that everyone can bring a friend! What a great opportunity to get some new signups.
Notice I did not include a costume contest. Hear me out - all kids think their costume is AMAZING. They put a lot of thought into what they wanted to be. They spent time trying things on at Party City or shopping online with mom. They don't compare their costumes to other kids. They really don't care if their costume is better than all the other kids costumes at all. Honestly that thought probably never occurs to them. They just want to play with their friends and eat pizza.
If you really want to do a contest - do a screaming contest, a candy corn eating contest, a scary face contest, a pumpkin painting contest, a mummy wrapping contest. But just let the kids enjoy dressing up without worrying about if their costume is any better than any others in the room.